Cannabis oil for Autism Therapy

Cannabis oil for Autism Therapy


What is Autism?

Cannabis Therapy have put this short article together to highlight the use of cannabis oil for Autism therapy. The new name for Autism is Autism Spectrum Disorder because it is such a complex disease. Doctors call it a neurobehavioral condition and they think it starts in the early stages of life, or in early childhood.

Autism is therefore a form of ill-health that affects cognitive and physiological child development and can last forever. It influences the way a child experiences everything happening around him or her. Autism is about deficiencies in the way a child socialises, speaks, writes and communicates. Some children develop characteristic symptoms including stiff, monotonous behaviour, anti-social performances and more. Many are highly intelligent and can become expert at a particular hobby or form of creativity.

How can Cannabis Oil Benefit Autism?

Studies are revealing that cannabinoids in cannabis such as CBD and THC do help to manage the social behaviour – and other dysfunctional behaviours – of patients with autism. Parents acknowledge that medical cannabis regulates moods, sleep patterns, seizures and reliance on pharmaceutical drugs.

Cannabinoids are very powerful chemicals which can work with the body’s endocannabinoid system to heal many conditions. Some researchers believe that when the body does not produce enough endocannabinoids, autism results. These healthy molecules are like the cannabinoids in cannabis. Cannabis cannabinoids cling to certain receptors in the brain and immune system and can help the brain to communicate again to these receptors.

CBD is best for children as it is harmless, while tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is psychoactive so not a good option for children. At least the CBD deals with autism symptoms and assists the patient to have a better quality of life: better sleep, better appetite, less lethargy and less anxiety.

Panacea suggested treatment guidelines:

cannabis oil for autism therapy

You would use the Panacea CBD/THC tincture, dosage is weight based.

Example dosage schedule:

5-15kg (1 drop twice daily)

15kg – 30kg (2 drops twice daily)

30kg -45kg (3 drops twice daily)

45kg-80kg (4 drops twice daily)

If you would like to know more about cannabis oil for Autism Therapy and other spectrum conditions. Please do not hesitate to contact us today!